miércoles, 10 de octubre de 2007

Going vegan

Going vegan has been an ephemeral thought for me over the last years. I am in the way to become vegan simply because in order to produce it, meat takes so much more resources. Although it is hard, since I do like meat and most of dinners back home involved a considerable amount of meat since I was a kid; then it must have generated some kind of connection between family-feeling and eating meat.
My friends reaction was "it is not going to change anything" they remain skeptical, but from I have seen, eating meat involves a bigger impact to the environment, many crops are there just to feed the cattle and that involves a greater water consumption, among others (this is not a scientific paper, although I am still working on that). According to scientific based studies, it is possible that there will be a shortage of water in the coming years. Possible, which means that it may be better than we think (or worse, of course).
I can choose to be or not a vegan, but if a water shortage comes up in upcoming years future generations will narrow down their choices. I don't feel I have the right to do so hence I will become a vegan.

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